We are creating
Art and Culture in the Sertão

We believe in the importance of strengthening the sertaneja culture and using it as a tool to flourish local talents, in addition to encouraging young people to stay connected with their roots. We have a contemporary ballet class and also a symphonic band.

During the year we have several presentations around the city, it's beautiful to see children and teenagers developing talents and sharing overcoming challenges.

All these actions aim to bring activities to the local youth, taking them out of idleness and providing actions that encourage continuous learning and the use of innate talents found in the region.

Social impact generated


students in our art and culture courses

0 H

of cultural activities carried out in 2019


presentations open to the public held in 2019

See more about this project

ODS and the Novo Sertão Institute

This project contributes to some of the Objectives of
UN sustainable development

We are creating
Art and Culture in the Sertão

Whenever I was sad, I remembered the songs I learned and it brought me joy and made me want to dance.

Dance Course Student
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