Our journey in the Sertão began 8 years ago with small emergency actions to support families impacted by the drought in the region. In a short time, we realized that to generate a real impact on the life of the sertanejo, long-term activities were needed that were designed together with the local communities, it was from this premise that the Novo Sertão Institute was born, in the heart of the semi-arid northeastern region with the mission to support sertaneja communities to have a better quality of life through their local talents and opportunities in the region. We operate in 4 pillars of transformation: Education, Sport, Culture and Income Generation, serving around 300 people weekly with our projects, generating transformation and new opportunities for the backcountry people.

Meet our
social transformation projects

Income generation in the hinterland

Art and Culture in the Sertão

sport in the hinterland

education and technology

See some pictures of our projects

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