Transformation, this is the philosophy and mission of Instituto Novo Sertão. Created in 2012, the institute aims to change the face of the Sertão: ending poverty and inequality, where hope and new beginnings are possible. Domiciled in the small town of Betânia do Piauí, the third city with the lowest municipal human development index in Piauí and is among the 30 most needy cities in Brazil.
Its missions, long or short term, are varied and relate to the cultural sector (music, dance, sports, theater) and the social sector (sustainable agriculture, distribution of drinking water, distribution of food and clothing, internet). However, one observation became clear during the emergency aid: the importance of perpetuating a lasting transformation, in order to change the hinterland.
It is with this in mind that Instituto Novo Sertão is committed to promoting and achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Among them are: poverty eradication, zero hunger and sustainable agriculture, quality education, clean water and sanitation, decent work and economic growth and reduction of inequalities.
These objectives were reinforced as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020. It was seen that the health crisis increased social inequality, and this inequality further highlighted the social precariousness of poor regions in Brazil. In order to reduce certain socio-economic disparities, Instituto Novo Sertão installed an internet signal in remote communities in the rural area of Betânia do Piauí, and with that, it was possible for students to follow classes at a distance. This project reached 100 people and 50 hours of classes were produced for young people and children.
The year 2020 was also a beautiful occasion for the region with the creation of a symphonic band and the opening of a music school. This initiative has the participation of 45 children and young people, and the symphonic band has more than 50 instruments. As a result of the pandemic, sports projects were suspended. However, following the health standards established by the government, it was possible to resume physical activities in the second half, such as the Futsertão project, where 150 young people and children participate.
Além disso, o Instituto Novo Sertão, junto com o Betalab e Bora Permacultura, criaram a Escola Beta, com a missão de capacitar famílias rurais do sertão semi-árido na implantação de uma agricultura sustentável e responsável, afim de aumentar a renda pela venda do excedente. Vale ressaltar que esse tipo de projeto é de uma grande importância, vendo que o auxilio emergencial se terminou em janeiro de 2021, e pode levar até 3,4 milhões para extrema pobreza. Graças ao projeto Escola Beta, 30 famílias em duas comunidades foram capacitadas, e uma renda de R$ 4.162 reais foi para as famílias produtoras.
In order to perfect itself in the management of social organizations, Instituto Novo Sertão has a partnership with AMBEV, where it participated in a training course. The institute is the first organization in Piauí to participate in the VOA program to acquire the management and trust seal.
Portanto, as atividades e projetos do Instituto Novo Sertão visam não simplesmente à melhorar a situação sócio-econômica dos moradores do município de Betânia do Piauí, essas ações servem à evidenciar a emergência e a necessidade de investir no sertão piauiense. As missões do Instituto Novo Sertão são uma maneira de preencher lacunas gigantescas deixadas pelo governo do Brasil nas áreas de educação, saúde, segurança, lazer e infraestruturas.
Therefore, it is important to point out that Instituto Novo Sertão is a non-governmental organization, where its operation depends directly on donations and private funding. Therefore, the creation of partnerships, the adoption of projects by third parties, and the help of volunteers are essential to continue the changes and achievements in the backlands of Piauí.